Cigar moxa
Cigar moxa is prepared by rolling a previously dried moxa, pressing it and wrapping it in rice paper.
The resulting cigar, once lit, is used to stimulate acupuncture points with the help of essential oils emitted during burning and heat penetrating deep into the body.
The cigar-shaped moxa is very easy to use, and the length of the cigar means that it can be held in the hand during the treatment without the use of tweezers.
Cigar moxa emits smoke and an intense herbal smell when burned, so it should be used in well-ventilated areas.
How is moxa in a cigar used?
The burning moxa is held a few centimeters away from the corresponding acupuncture point - either stationary or by making circular motions over it.
When is moxa therapy applied?
Moxa therapy is most often used in cases of decreased immunity, inflammation, as well as muscle and joint pain. Moxa also has beneficial effects on the overall condition of the body, including normalizing blood circulation and vital energy flow, increasing strength, improving sleep and strengthening the immune system.
Quantity per package: 2 or 10 pcs Diameter: 18 mm. Length: 20 cm