Oil of Bindweed 20ml

Oil of Bindweed 20ml

Oil of Blister Swallowwort 20ml

- Promotes rapid wound healing;

- relieves inflammation in the affected skin area;

- kills bacteria and germs;

- helps fight allergic reaction.

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Oil of Blister Swallowwort 20ml

Cosmetic oil Blister Swallow's Herb has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps reduce redness and irritation, provides intensive nourishment to the

skin, increasing its softness and elasticity.

The oil is made from natural braconium, which has been used for centuries for its unique properties. The oil has a delicate texture and is quickly absorbed

into the skin without leaving a greasy sheen. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and useful fatty acids that help keep the skin healthy and

youthfulness of the skin. Glistnik Swallowwort Oil effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, promotes skin regeneration and reduces signs of fatigue. 

Since childhood, we have known the “magical” power of bindweed. After we scratched or smashed our knee, we immediately sought out this plant to lubricate

the wound with its juice. The fact is,

that bract oil really has many healing properties.

Fresh bindweed is poisonous and should be handled with care. But there is a great alternative to the fresh juice of this plant - cosmetic oil of bindweed, which is used for skin care. 

Useful properties of bittercress oil


- promotes rapid wound healing;

- relieves inflammation in the affected area of the skin;

- kills bacteria and germs;

- helps fight allergic reaction.

Borage oil has cleansing, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, wound healing, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-allergic properties,

It is mostly used in dermatology, for the treatment of various skin diseases.

Blister oil has a cleansing effect on the skin, relieving various skin diseases. It is often used for acne, irritation, psoriasis.

It effectively soothes the skin, relieving itching.

You can hear reviews about bract oil and its properties from people of all ages, as it helps solve various problems.

The following tips will help you use this remedy properly and effectively.

- Fight acne, herpes, boils. Apply the product spot-on, directly to the affected skin area. Generously lubricate the lesion on the skin, and after 15 minutes,

gently pat the area dry with a napkin or cotton ball. The procedure is repeated several times a day until it disappears completely.

- Combat flaky skin, prevent acne. Add the oil to any cream, matched to your skin type in the amount of 3 drops of the product per 10 g of cream. Lubricate

your face with the resulting mixture 2 times a day for 3 weeks.

- Fight nail fungus. Feet should first be softened in a bath. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of soda per 3 liters of water. Then prepare the nails by cutting off the

calloused areas. Then apply the oil to the nails and feet. It's a good idea to repeat the treatment every day before going to bed.

Nail oil can solve any of these problems, but you need to be patient. Do not expect immediate results. Repeat the procedure regularly and there will be noticeable, positive changes.

Ingredients: corn oil, bract extract.

Product descriptions posted on the site are for informational purposes only.

They are not a substitute for consultation with a specialist and cannot be the basis for the use of any medical devices, pharmaceuticals or forms of therapy. Any decisions on the above mentioned issues should be consulted with a specialist.

Online consultation with Alexander Haretski available in the training category of our store medycynaludowa.com/shop/

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